Continuous Evaluation Dates
-Exam 1 (Units 2 and 3.1, Exercises Unit 2 and 3.1-3.7 - 2 points): October 22th (12h at NA6)
-Exam 2 (Units 1, 2 and 3 - 4 points): November 19th (12h at NA6)
-Exam 3 (Units 4 and 5 - 4 points): January 21th
Theory. Tuesdays 12-14h at NA6, starting on September 10th
Unit 2. Binary Numbering Systems
Exercices Unit 2
Unit 3.1 Introduction to Combinational Systems. Boolean Algebra
Unit 3.2 Combinational Circuits
Exercices Unit 3
Unit 4.1. Sequential Systems. Introduction and basic circuits
Unit 4.2. Sequential Systems Design.
Exercices Unit 4
Unit 5. Memory System.
Exercices Unit 5
Laboratory. Tuesdays 10-12h at OL24 (West wing, 2nd floor, Lab number 24) starting on September 24th
Practice 1. Basic Concepts
Supplementary material:
Use of Equipment
Digital Circuits
Practice 2. Introduction to digital integrated circuits. The adder
Practice 3. Combinational circuits SPANISH
Practice 3. Combinational circuits. ENGLISH
Practice 4. Sequential Systems SPANISH
Practice 4. Sequential Systems ENGLISH
Supplementary material:
555 Timer Datasheet