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Computer Structure and Organization.
(Graduate in Computer Sciences and Graduate in Computer Engineering)

Basic bibliography

Lesson 1: The Datapath

Theoretical Books

Estructura y diseño de Computadores
David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy
Ed. Reverté S.A. 2000

  • Chapter 4: Discusses about computational arithmetics. Includes main concepts in the chapter and advaced ideas in exercises. Discusses about integer add aceleration.

Fundamentos de los Computadores
Pedro de Miguel Anasagasti
Ed. Paraninfo. 1999
  • Chapter 5: Discusses about operator concept and reach to basic operations algorithms. Introduces rounding thecniques and guard digits concepts.

Estructura de Computadores
José Mª Angulo Usategui
Ed. Paraninfo. 1996
  • Chapter 3: Logic and arithmetic operators analysis.

Arquitectura de Computadores
J. Antonio de Frutos, Rafael Rico
Ed. Universidad de Alcalá. 1995
  • Chapter 2: Such as bellow references, discusses about datapath design, diferent types of operators, rounding techniques and guard digits concepts.

Arquitectura de Computadores. Un Enfoque cuantitativo
John L. Hennessy y David A. Patterson
Ed. Mc Graw-Hill. 1993
  • Apendix A: Computer arithmetic: add, substract, multiply and divide opertions are explained in both fixed and floating point represented numbers. Moreover, integer addition, multiplication and division aceleration is discussed.

Exercises Books

Problemas de arquitectura de computadores
J. Antonio de Frutos, Rafael Rico, Julia Mª. Clemente, Antonio J. de Vicente
Ed. Universidad de Alcalá. 1996

  • Chapter 2: Atithmetic Logic Unit solved exercises and exams collection.

Problemas de estructura de computadores
Pedro de Miguel Anasagasti y otros
Ed. Paraninfo. 1990
  • Chapter 1: A complete slved exercises collection. Includes algorithmical and circuit design exercises